Experiencing a blissful number of years with your partner is not something to take lightly. An anniversary photo shoot captures the new season of your lives together and serves as a memory capsule int he years to come. It’s a beautiful way to celebrate your wedding anniversary. If you have children, its amazing to include them in your anniversary photo shoot as well.
Our client Tracee opted for an anniversary session to mark several years of marriage and we were thrilled to be a part of it. If you are looking for an anniversary photographer or an anniversary photoshoot we would be excited to work with you. Please call or email us info@judahavenue.com
Judah Avenue is a black woman owned photography studio and we are always excited to meet new clients and to share in your special day. Please contact us at info@judahavenue.com or call 240 643 4708 if you would like to commission us for your special day! We cover anniversary photo shoots, weddings, events, newborn, maternity, family and birthday photo shoots! Our address is Green court innovation center, 12358 Parklawn Drive, Rockville, MD, 20852. (Appointment only).